Kenya - Mombasa

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)” — Ephesians 2:4-5 (NASB)

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About Kenya - Mombasa

Iris Kenya has a mandate from God to plant churches, reach out to the poor, stop for the one, and to spread the Gospel and love of Jesus wherever we go.
The vision of Iris Kenya Ministries is to see the country of Kenya penetrated by the light of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. We desire to help bring this nation back to its Creator and rightful King (Psalm 24:1). Our vision is to plant churches wherever the Lord opens doors for us to do so, and to disciple people in these churches so that God can use them to bring change to the communities they live in.

Iris Kenya is passionate about planting churches and raising up disciples in the communities we serve. We made the small village of Kilifi about 35 miles north of Mombasa our center of ministry and from there, we travel all throughout the region preaching the Good News and sharing the joy we have in Jesus. As our church congregations have grown we have expanded our ministry programs to accommodate the ever-changing needs of the people. We are committed to seeing the Kingdom of God take root in this area to change lives for eternity.

Village of Peace Project
We want to eradicate poverty from the communities we work in so we started a village empowerment project, Village of Peace. We serve the children in our community who might never have the opportunity to attend school. Without a good education which will help them earn a livable wage when they are older, the cycle of poverty and despair they live in now will continue to destroy any hopes they have for a brighter future. Our program extends to help widows and elderly people who are caught up in this cycle and, with insufficient food to eat, are often sick and unable to provide for themselves. We want to empower them to break away from this cycle of poverty and despair by educating the children, providing food for widows, and making sure undernourished babies receive the food they need to grow healthy and strong. We set up projects that empower and encourage self-sustainability, teaching the unemployed skills, such as sewing and organic farming - skills they will be able to use at home and to earn an income. We know that with God on our side, we will be able to empower our people to become all that God has called them to be. 

We seek out those not attending church by conducting regular outreaches to share the Gospel and inviting them to attend church.

Women’s Bible Studies & Children’s Discipleship
Our ladies regularly get together to pray, have Bible studies, and do outreaches. Children's Ministry is conducted every Saturday at the main church where over 100 children receive Bible teaching, are prayed for, play games, and have lunch together. 

Widows & Elderly Ministry
Each month we distribute a parcel of basic food items and we also stop for the one by visiting those too frail to attend church. 

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Contact us at for more information about how you can help and to learn about current projects.

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Humbled by the grace of God

Dear friends,   We send our greetings and pray His love continues to flourish as we stay in His presence. Once more we are humbled by His Grace and mercy each day. These 2 weeks have been exciting as we had our friends and Teachers Jan and Ken from Australia doing teachings to our Iris Pastor...

Prayers Requested to Start House of Prayer

Dear Iris family, We send our love and greetings, it has been long since we sent an update, we apologize! Much has happened. We first Thank the Lord for His Faithfulness... we are humbled by His love and grace for us, we are doing well with all families at our village. Despite the chall...

Buing Material for the Church

construction of the Church





His faithfulness in tough times


The start of our School

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