Let's Go

Iris Missions

Discover Iris Missions

We offer a variety of opportunities to go on missions. More than 1,500 volunteers serve in missions at Iris bases every year. To discover which missions experience is right for you, click on each section below.

Short Term

Come and serve at one of our bases or ministries and watch what God does through you as a short-term visitor. Learn more »

Long Term

Iris is looking for long-term missionaries who will have kingdom impact. Harvest school is a prequisite to long term missions. Learn more »

Online Courses

Missions Training Course

September 2024

Learn from experienced missionaries such as Rolland & Heidi Baker, Will Hart, Herbert Barbutti, and many more! It's designed to work around your schedule and your location, allowing you to tune in to live teachings or catch the class on-demand.

Missions Schools

There is a new breed of missionaries being released across the earth, transparent saints, with oversized hearts, beating in rhythm with the heart of their Bridegroom King Jesus, carrying His glory across the earth.

Harvest School of Missions

Harvest School of Missions is an entry level prerequisite school for serving long term in Iris Global. Harvest Schools are intentionally foundational and formational in their teaching and modeling of the Iris Core Values and DNA. Harvest School of Missions is held twice a year.

Harvest School (HS41) Middle East - Jordan & Egypt Oct 9 – Dec 4, 2024 Apply Pay

Global Schools range in focus and length. Come learn the heart and core values of Iris Global and to go deeper in capturing God’s heart while also being trained in practical ministry and leadership skills. New students or alumni may register.

River of God, Brazil (RG17) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Jan 10 – Feb 1, 2025 Apply Pay
Harvest School of Missions Phnom Penh (PS1) Phnom Penh, Cambodia Sep 16 – Nov 9, 2024 Apply Pay