God, Our Refuge

Lucia sat alone in her mud hut while the winds raged through the night. She prayed and prayed that God would protect her, for she knew the storm was strong. As she prayed, she heard Holy Spirit speak to her clearly, “Get out of the house. Now.” She jumped up and did the unspeakable – she left her place of safety and ran out into the storm, having no plan of what to do next. She only knew what God had spoken, and she knew she had to listen.

She was only about ten steps away from her home when she heard the cracking of a tree about to fall. Still running, she quickly looked back to find the tree landing directly on her home, flattening it completely. God had intervened that night on Lucia’s behalf! He had spoken just in time, and he had rescued! She made it safely to a neighbor’s house and found shelter from the storm.

After hearing Lucia’s story, we sat together, praising God. I shared stories from the Bible about how God is our refuge. We prayed together for healing for Lucia’s heart after what she had endured, and she found great freedom. She had experienced the Refuge of God in a tangible way, and she would carry this experience in her heart for the rest of her days – God is our Protector, our Healer, and our Refuge.