Our Good Father

Written by Carly Brown

The man on the far right in this picture is Cezar, we met him in the prison. He has been out now for almost a year and God has totally transformed and is transforming his life and his family. While he was in prison his mother in law got really sick and had to be on dialysis. There is no insurance or coverage for that here in Bolivia, you pay cash each time. Cezars wife and family needed to borrow money from a lady in their neighborhood. This lady charged very high interest and in the end made them sell their house to her for 1/10 of its worth and gave them one year to pay it back or she would take the house. We stepped in a few weeks ago with our lawyer friend to help them. It’s been a tense few weeks of really just trusting God and helping them to learn and Grow in hearing Gods voice and trusting his leading. It’s amazing, when you are up against a wall and there is no way out and you cry out to God.... he shows up powerfully. This is a man who in his previous life could have paid this lady off quickly and “fixed” the problem himself..... BUT he is changed and he felt he needed to follow and honor God. Not only that but he was praying blessing over this lady who had taken advantage of him and his family....
After weeks Of praying and magic sting tense meetings we heard that this lady, who had been very difficult, changed her mind and was willing to take their money and null the sale of their house...what a MIRACLE!!! This ONLY happens with God. Only he can change a heart. He is ALWAYS faithful. We are blown away, God loves this family and he is writing a new story in them. 6 of the family member have been coming to our discipleship groups and they are sharing with those at home what they are learning. God has marked this family and we are so honored to be witnesses to all he is doing. What an honor to serve Jesus. God saved a house this month and honored his son who is making a new life for himself and he is saving this family. He is a good Father ❤️❤️