God's Plan

Written by Carly Brown

Recently a Bolivian family that has been working with us parttime was able to come on full time. This has given our team the ability to do a lot more than we have in years past. We are now two families ministering together in the prisons and that has been a great gift.
A few weeks ago Paola and I (Carly) were able to go into the prison together. It was wonderful to have someone going in with me. I have been going in mostly on my own for almost two years.
We waited in line as usual and as we waited Paola noticed a woman who was crying and felt drawn to her. The woman was a ways away and so we prayed and kept moving on in line. When we got to the front there seemed to be a problem with Paola's ID and when she looked she realized that she had brought her husband's ID by mistake. We paused for a moment and she decided to run home and grab her ID and she would meet me inside the prison. I entered in and prayed for her as I visited with families and waited. After around 1 1/2 hours she found me inside the prison and told me what God had done. She said she had been so nervous to come into the prison and she was frustrated that she had to return home and get her ID, but she decided to trust God's plan. As she walked back to her home she ran into the lady that she had noticed leaving the prison crying. This lady was trying to visit her husband in the prison, but could not get in without her ID and she needed to get money from her husband. Without that money she was stuck without a way to get home (a 45 min drive by bus). She had her two little kids, no money for passage, and no food. Paola was able to pray for her, she gave her money for her passage and food. She was so overjoyed to help this woman that all the nervousness had left her (haha). She helped me minister to the ladies in the prison and brought such joy and love with her. It was such a beautiful reminder that God is always working, even in the hard. Sometimes we just need to trust Him and He will show us His plan. We are called to be light in the darkness and what a gift it is to bring His love to the people in Bolivia.