"Normal" Service has been resumed!

Written by Tracey Williams

Sadly this post is belated - for which I apologise!
At the end of August, Iris Zimpeto hosted it's first conference since the impact of Covid on the world. Speakers came from Australia, America and South Africa and pastors and congregations from our Iris churches across southern Mozambique (and Eswatini!) filled the base - hunger for God was tangible.
The church was full to capacity with young and old, babies on their mother's backs, "vovos" - everyone excited to be connected with our wider family. We prayed and worshipped, danced and cried out to God , heard and responded to His word together - "normal" family life was resumed - precious!
Our senior pastors were honored with gifts from the community - fruits and vegetables, grains and charcoal danced and carried in by celebrant communities dressed in their best.
Gifts of bibles were presented to all pastors and church leaders - the gratitude was unbridled.
Early Saturday morning we were blessed to take nine of the girls who live on the centre and several members of the community down to the ocean for an (almost) sunrise baptismal service - oh what joy!
How much we have missed these times of growing and celebrating together, and how exciting it was to be back together as family again.
Conferences have always been a part of Zimpeto life, they have been greatly missed. We celebrate this one and wait excitedly for the next one.