Massage Parlor Shut Down

Written by Jillian & Mitchell Stiner

The Covid pandemic was a difficult time for us. We lost track of several individuals that we had been working with in years past. One such example was a 17 year old girl that had a very difficult life, living and working along the street. We had managed to enroll her in a very prestigious cosmetology program that trains youth who have been trafficked or are at extreme risk. She was in the program for several months doing very well but during covid we learned that she left the program, ran away from her family, and everyone lost contact with her. After over a year of not having any contact with her our team found her and began rebuilding relationship with her. She opened up to us about the difficult time that she had been through. She was working in a massage parlor with several other underage girls who were being sold for sex. She was able to provide us a location of this establishment and with the help of a partner organization with an investigation team, we were able to help rescue 4 underage girls, arrest the perpetrator, and completely close down the establishment.

We are so thankful to be able to partner with other organizations & be the body of Christ, working together to see people rescued & set free!