My very own Bible

Written by Rachel Jane Wallace

As it approached one of our staff members birthday I had been thinking what gift we at Iris Mahajanga could give, knowing that whatever we gave to this worker we would have to be consistent with all workers.
I thought about a bible, but they cost quite a bit here and so I thought about getting something a little less expensive. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said if you want to see revival you need to give out bibles, and so I stepped out in faith and bought a beautiful bible for our staff member.

On his birthday all the staff gathered together in our garden and we sang 'happy birthday' in three languages and then all of our staff and children took it in turns to pray for him. And then as we got ready to present him with his birthday gift, he lifted his eyes and saw the bible we were giving him and immediately fell to the ground and started to weep for such a long time, tears of incredible joy as he held on to his own bible.