Christmas joy in Madagascar

Written by Rachel Jane Wallace

We held a giant Christmas party for lots of children in our village this week, it was such a precious time. During the worship children were really pressed in and encountering Jesus.

Lots of children got dressed up and acted out the Christmas nativity.

In the Malagasy culture people use the word ‘problem’ a lot and so we started our Christmas story by telling them about the ‘big problem’ that occurred in the garden of Eden and how Jesus Christ is the only solution to the ‘big problem’.

The children really received Jesus into their hearts and sang happy birthday to Jesus at the top of their voices.

Before all the precious children left we gave each child a beautiful toy, it was amazing to see their faces light up with joy, for so many of these children this is the only toy that they have.

In the afternoon lots of widows who single-handedly look after their grandchildren came and we shared the gospel with them and you could see how they were receiving the truth and it was lighting them up on the inside. Everyone of them either gave their life to Jesus or rededicated their lives to Jesus.

We gave all the widows beautifully woven baskets with sardines, spaghetti, oil, washing powder, body soap, nail clippers, toothpaste and toothbrushes in - lots of these widows will save the tin of sardines as part of there special feast on Christmas day.

We thank Jesus for the precious joy of sharing the gospel with so many in Madagascar this Christmas time.