The start of Iris Glastonbury. Baptism in the river in -2 degrees celsius.

Written by Elieudo & Daniella Lima Dos Santos

We are a few years too late doing this but we thought we would start sharing about our adventures here in Glastonbury UK.

We weren’t planning on coming here to Glastonbury but God had a plan. We found ourselves in a position to have nowhere to live in England and God opened a door for a free one bedroom apartment for us to live in, for 2 years. We moved into this apartment and a 2 year lock down in England started. God knew and prepared a way for us.

Glastonbury is a strange place that was a place of pilgrimage to meet with God. It is now a place where new agers come to join in activities of 78 different religions there. With tarot cards, psychics, a satan library and many other things of the new age. It is very normal there for people to openly tell you that they are a witch.

In this time we joined with a local church giving out food to the new age travelers and the vulnerable. Many of them at this time said that this was a lifeline and they wouldn’t have survived without it. We saw 20 of them give their lives to Jesus and a number healed too.

One of the guys that gave his life to Jesus had been involved in the new age and had been through a few witchcraft rituals and so was full of demons. He had left home and hadn’t even said goodbye and now was living under a tree in the freezing cold English winter.

2 weeks after giving his life to Jesus he returned back with a desire to be baptized. As he went into -2 degree water all the witchcraft stuff he had been involved in came off and he was free.
He has now trained in an Iris mission school and is doing Christian theater and recently played Jesus in a performance of Godspell.