The harvest is plentiful, and the workers are rising up!
It is our desire to see the cities of Mozambique shaken by the gospel, and it’s happening! This is being accomplished through training local evangelists, outreaches, and city wide gospel campaigns. Plans are already in motion for two of these events in the coming months.
I’ve just returned home from teaching a three-week evangelism training in a neighboring province. 12 Mozambican men from eight different districts were chosen to be trained and then sent back to their homes with the authority to train other churches and multiply the harvest.
The students were trained for one on one evangelism and street preaching. During the last week of their training they preached over 40 different gospel truck outreaches and lead over 1000 people to a decision for Christ!
Amongst all the salvations and miracles, one testimony from one of the student evangelists named Domingo, stands out above the rest.
Domingo testified that just a year earlier he had been an abusive drunk. He testified of not just beating his wife, but his female neighbor as well. His wife being a believer and attended church, would pray for him. One day she shared with her husband Domingo a dream she had, where she saw him standing in front of a multitude preaching. Domingo thought the dream was silly and that it would never happen, but the Lord was working on his heart. Finally he started attending church, he received the Lord, and was set free from his addiction to alcohol!
Through the training, his wife’s prophetic dream of him preaching was fulfilled. Domingo testified that on the last day of outreach he was called on to preach the gospel. Not only was this the dream his wife saw but the Lord had more in store, the area in which he was preaching was his very own neighborhood. As he preached in the back of the gospel truck to his neighbors many responded to the gospel. When he was finished, he approached three older men to the side and ended up personally leading them to the Lord. He explained that these three men were friends that used to drink with him and sell him alcohol. When he had no money, he would beg alcohol off them. Now, set free from his addiction, in love with Jesus, and equipped to share the gospel, he had the privilege to lead his old drinking buddies to our precious Savior!
I am constantly taken back by the thought of how immeasurable the work of God is.
Yes, for a week of outreach, we may be able to show a certain number of decisions for Christ. Then I think, what could the possible number of souls impacted for Christ be through the lives of even 12 young men in the bush towns of Mozambique who are truly equipped to preach the gospel? It is truly immeasurable!