
Written by Kristen West

After almost a three-hour journey, we finally arrived at our spot for the day. We were welcomed by smiling faces and a boisterous song. Greetings were exchanged and names given as the doctors set up their area. For the first time in a very long time, if ever, medical treatment was available in the village. The people could get examined and receive some medicine without walking miles and miles to the nearest town. Person after person came through the line and were treated. Lungs were listened to, blood pressure checked, and even an abscess was lanced. The doctors and their team worked non-stop for a few hours. They loved on these people in the most practical ways possible. Once the doctors finished, it was time for the Jesus film. Set-up went smoothly as we taught the younger children, “Duck, Duck, Goose”, and the older boys played soccer. Then as darkness fell, Eric introduced our team and set the stage for the story telling. The movie captured their attention and soon it was time to minister. As Eric explained the consequences of sin and the mercy of God, some people left to make the walk home. Others, however, stood with all attention on the words being spoken. When the call for salvation was given, hands went up all over the crowd. Freedom had arrived.

Kenzie, a visitor from Oregon, shared her testimony of God’s goodness and explained His healing power. We made sure the people understood how they could be affected by the demons and witch doctors. We explained how they needed to renounce any affiliation they had with this “traditional medicine.” We also got a Word of Knowledge about alcoholics being set free that night, so we invited the sick, demon possessed, and addicts up for prayer. We all saw God move in incredible ways during prayer time. One man had terrible stomach pain. We prayed for God to heal him and crash over him with love. The man looked up after the prayer with a look of amazement! He had been healed and couldn't contain his excitement. The God of the universe just healed his stomach pain; he felt the love of the Father personally. He shouted Hallelujah and ran jumping away with his hands in the air praising his Healer.

We had so many healed and set free. Women came up for prayer because they kept having demonic dreams, men came up to get rid of alcohol addiction, and kids were healed from asthma and knee pain. Each person had a personal encounter with our Father. Love poured freely on these people and they felt the value He feels for them. As the people began to clear from the prayer area, we made one more call urging them to not let pride or fear stand in the way from a healing encounter with a God who so passionately loves His people. A drunken man took that as his opportunity to come forward for the neck pain he was experiencing. As I prayed for him, we never lost eye contact. He stared straight into my soul, with no emotion behind his eyes. The Lord encouraged me to stare back, but with a look of love. So as I prayed for healing and soberness to flood his body, I stared back into the eyes of a prodigal son. I stared at the eyes of a hurt and lost soul, filling the void the only way he knew. I prayed for God’s love to overwhelm him. Slowly his eyes softened. I asked if he felt different and his once harsh voice had a peaceful tone. He said it was better and walked off speechless. I don’t think I will ever forget those eyes.

There are moments I get overwhelmed that God would choose to partner with me; this was one of those. He allows us to be the physical love to His people. We get to see orphaned children realize their worth. We see them drenched in the love of a good Father. Evangelism days are long and tiring, many lasting over 10 hours, but they are worth it. No amount of bumpy roads or bugs crawling in your clothes will ever deter us from pursuing His people. Overwhelming power, overwhelming opportunity, overwhelming work, and overwhelmingly worth