Beauty for Ashes (Nicaragua) News

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Jesus the Bread of Life

Written by Kara Westermann

A life in Jesus.

His love leads us into obedience. He stopped for many healing their diseases. He set them free. He fed them. He stopped in compassion for souls. The Word was made flesh and now He is life in us and His love drives us to go after others and follow His footsteps on earth. Last Thursday, we went out looking for the lost and it was beautiful. In the middle of the activity, we realized that a little girl was celebrating her birthday that day. Her biggest gift was not food or cake. Her greatest gift was to hear that she was created in the image of a God who loves her. Many people listened to the gospel and received food but the best food comes from Jesus the bread of eternal life the only one who can fill us. There was also a man there who began confessing and repenting of his sins as he heard the Good News. Only our merciful and loving Lord Jesus Christ can do this! All glory to our Lord Jesus for the Good News purchased by His loving blood and the Bread of Life that is made available for all who desire to feast upon the Holy Lamb of God.