God is our provider

The father of this family cannot read or write because his family were too poor to send him to school.

Even though he was willing to work and had an amazing work ethic, he was limited with the jobs he could find. When He found work, even after long days of labour there was never enough to provide a good meal for all his family

His youngest child was so hungry that she even ate soil to take away the pain of hunger.

God really broke my heart when I heard about this......and I knew that if we didn’t do something there would be a whole new generation growing up around us in Mahajanga, Madagascar who would also struggle by not being able to read or write.

It brings me great joy every school year to give amazing children from really poor families the opportunity to go to school.

These two photos here are of the same family - one from 2016 - their first ever school year and the other was taken yesterday - their 4th school year