Written by Alexis & Kaysha

One of the more simple ways we are practicing discipleship in Rwanda involves being an example for seven men working on our NDAHEI FARM. To people in the village, our mission is simply to bring hope. Many times, when people have been living a hopeless lifestyle for far too long, they are not even aware that they need a purpose and a hope. Because of this, it sometimes feels like a mountain of work, yet these families want and need what we have to give. His name is JESUS. We carry in our hearts what they need and through these working relationships, we are praying and believing that a heart change will happen in time!

Milk Ministry - This month we have started a Milk Ministry in this village. The milk from our cows will be given to specific families who's children are suffering from malnutrition.

Childcare Program - Our goal for the coming year is to upgrade a nearby building we have sought out in order to provide care for young children belonging to working mothers. Once we have upgraded the building, we will also need to provide salaries for three new childcare workers.

Homes for Piglets - We have provided materials for local families to build their own pig shelters. Once their pig pens are complete, we will give them a new piglet to raise!