God is opening new doors

Written by Sandra / Antonio
+ 1 4 6

August 2019

Greetings in Him, we thank you so much for keeping us in your
Prayers, we are excited for the fruits we are seeing, the Lord is
opening doors for the Gospel to be preached in more areas. We had a
Seminar in one of our Churches, we were humble to see people pouring
their hearts to the Lord, the true teaching of the Word brings joy,
peace, love and hope to our lives. Our youth and children also had an
amazing time in the teachings.
We were able to send some of our Leaders to a Bible School to learn
more of Him, we are expecting more revival in our Churches and many
souls will be reached for the Kingdom.
Our School project is almost finished and ready to receive many
children that were not covered by our sponsorship program. Thank you
so much for your love and support.

Many blessings in Him

Sandra / Antonio