An Honor To Give

Written by Mandy Pulliam
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At the beginning of August, Scott and Eric bid their families farewell for the week and traveled to Tete province to a village named Doa. The area around Doa has not had sufficient rain in two years and crops and families are suffering as a result. Iris relief provided funds for 600 sacks of rice that were given to about 700 families in need. Due to truck problems on the way, what was going to be four distributions over five days turned into four distributions in two days. They started in the central village of Doa and went to more rural areas from there for the distributions. Even with the crunch time of two days, they were able to preach the gospel and pray for the sick and demonized at each gathering. The Lord blessed them as He showed up to deliver and call children unto Himself. At one of the gatherings during ministry time, the Lord highlighted a woman to Scott, she was the first he laid hands on. As he was praying for her, he felt like God wanted him to stay with her for a minute. Suddenly, she jumped up and sprinted out of the church. There were many to pray for, so he moved on to others, trusting he would hear her story later. The pastor helping them head up the distributions did hear her story and told Scott later. She’d had an evil spirit and it left. She was so freaked out, she ran out of the church! It was an honor to give food to the hungry and preach the gospel where it is not often heard.